No jelly rolls as of yet have graced this pan, but if I baked any I am certain they would be well pleased.The fish stick's were quite happy, so I am guessing the jelly rolls would be too.
Heating the pan to nearly 500 degrees (fish sticks like it hot, 475) caused it to warp (momentarily startling my fish sticks), but it does return to its normal shape after removing from this infernal Hades like temperature.Please note that this is a temperature you would never wish to visit upon a non-stick pan.Over 400 degrees and non-stick becomes violently toxic spewing forth lecherous vapors that kill birds, and you know what they say about canaries in coal mines.Always best to stay away from non-stick, but I'm sure that's why your considering the pristine qualities of stainless to begin with.However, the shiny surface is what attracted me (I like shiny things).
As a previous supporterof the noble qualities of this pan commented, GOO gone works admirably at removing the barnacle laden adhesive from the surface (only two small spots on this pan).
I am now secretly abducting all of our rusting and peeling non-stick in favor of Norpro stainless shiny things.Shh, my wife does not know as of yet, but she will thank me.Muwhahahahaha.
Click Here to see more reviews about: Norpro Stainless Steel 10 Inch x 15 Inch Baking Sheet
Product Description:
Bake cookies, pastries, biscuits and rolls, pizza, tater tots and fries, or use to reheat hot sandwiches.Full sides all around also allow this pan to be used for jelly rolls, fudge, and candy.
Buy cheap Norpro Stainless Steel 10 Inch x 15 Inch Baking Sheet now Get 21% OFF
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