
Taylor 8790 Temprite Reusable Food Thermometers Review

Taylor 8790 Temprite Reusable Food ThermometersI don't remember the packaging or what it looked like or what it said, but after using them for a few times and cooking your food right, it is clear that it is supposed to turn bright red. Anything less and you haven't cooked it enough. The steak one has three different readings, the first part turns red quickly and it is for rare, the middle part turns red a little more slowly and it is for medium and the tip takes the longest and is for well done. AWESOME!

These things are amazing. We bought them b/c they were cheap and at Target one day 3 or 4 years ago and we can't live without them. They have NEVER been wrong. I wish there was a pork one, but we just use the steak one to see if some of it turns red and we know it is cooked but won't be dry. after 3 or 4 years of use they are still going strong. Our chicken one is starting to bite the dust and I was depressed I couldn't find these ANYWHERE! I found them here and will be buying several packs to stock up for the future.

These are for those of us who don't know what temp. to look for on the thermometer or you don't wanna wait for it to register. You poke it in, make sure it isn't touching bone, I always waited a second and then BE READY, you look at it AS it comes out of the food and if it is bright red it's ready! They do change quickly back to the original color, so be ready and have ample lighting around where you are so you can be sure... these things have saved us from MANY MANY raw meals. My husband used to be the WORST at under cooking because he was scared to over cook things. Now that we have these every meal is spot on!I HIGHLY recommend these to ANYONE!

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Product Description:
Taylor 8790 Temprite Reusable Thermometers.Set of five thermometers -one for most every type of cooking.When the tips turn red the food is done.The fast ,easy way to cook safely. One probe each for Beef,Steak,Fish,Poultry,and Baking.

Buy cheap Taylor 8790 Temprite Reusable Food Thermometers now

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